The Board of Directors, sub-committees, compliance unit, executives, and employees of the organization adhere to the systematic management principles and good corporate governance practices.

Accordingly, the aforementioned principles and practices have been used as guidelines for the Company’s operations to determine effective management system with an emphasis on a transparent and verifiable information disclosure. This will lead to a standardized operation, boost work productivity, enhance competitiveness and add value to business owners, which shall satisfy all stakeholders. Consequently, the Company has formulated “Good Corporate Governance Policy” for the Board of Directors, sub-committees, executives, and employees to adhere to as operational guidelines, as follows:


Responsibility for the performance of the duties and be able to clarify such actions


A sense of duty with full capacity and efficiency

Equitable Treatment

Respect for the rights of stakeholders and treat stakeholders with honesty and equality, as well as allowing the stakeholders to fairly participate


Disclosure of information and operations with transparency and verifiability

Value Creation

Add value to the business in both short and long term through development, improvement and increase competitiveness


Adhere to business ethics

The Board of Directors approved the Good Corporate Governance Policy in writing and approved the latest review at the Board of Directors’ meeting No. 1/2024 on February 28, 2024. The objectives of establishing and reviewing the Good Corporate Governance Policy are to use it as a guideline for monitoring, controlling, and supervising those authorized to perform administrative duties. There is a procedural management to organize the organizational resources to be utilized effectively and efficiently according to the organizational goals, as well as to achieve maximum benefits and fairly return back to all stakeholders. The Board of Directors has determined this policy and practices to be reviewed annually and the Company has adhered to good corporate governance principles consistently and strictly. Since 2020, the Company has reviewed and improved the policy and guidelines to ensure the consistency with international standard of the corporate governance, which is ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard for implementation and adoption as appropriate, and bring into action continuously.

In this regard, compliance with good corporate governance principles of the Company has been carried out and prepared with reference to the Corporate Governance Code (CG Code) for listed companies of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, which has been reviewed and improved on a regular basis in order to comply with good governance. The structure and guidelines for good corporate governance cover 4 categories as follows: