Gunkul Engineering (GUNKUL), is a manufacturer and supplier for a wide range of products used in low voltage electrical system which meet industry standards.

GUNKUL provides customers with high quality products for low voltage line construction and maintenance projects in order to get reliable and efficient electric power systems that benefit all sectors for sustainable development.

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Cable and Accessories

Fuses and Switches

Low Voltage Fuse (HRC fuses, D type fuses, etc.)
LT Fuse Switch
Aerial Fuse Holder
Fuse Switch Disconnector

Hardwares and Connectors

Hardwares (Secondary racks, etc.)
Connectors (Termainal lugs, Sleeves, Paralleel tap, etc.)

Insulator & Preformed

Wire Holder
Spool Insulator
Preformed Products

Ligthning Protection

LV Surge arrester 480V


Hydraulic Tools
Safety Tools
Test and Measurement Instruments

Grounding System

Ground Rod and Clamps
Welding Powder and Mold
Lightning Protection Systems

Street Lighting

Street Lighting Luminaires (Fluorescent lamp, HPS lamp, Mercury vapor lamp, LED)
Photo Electric Control Relay

Meter and Accessories

Electronic Meter
TOU Meter
Security Seal
Meter Board
Meter Cabinet