SDGs and Strategies
Sustainability Management Goals and Strategies
The Company’s sustainable development goals and strategies are driven under the commitment “Not only the energy, We care” to conduct business with attention to the development of clean energy innovations along with paying attention to the existence of the world and the good quality of life of all stakeholders in a balanced manner. The Company’s strategic framework consists of 3 pillars: We care Business, We care People and We care Social, which cover issues in the economic, social and environmental dimensions under good corporate governance and focusing on sustainable business development as follows:

We care Business
Develop a fully integrated business that responds to stakeholders in a worthwhile manner.

We care People
Develop personnel to be good at work, good at oneself, good at people, and good at managing teams.

We care Social
Create opportunities for society and environment that are friendly to the community in a sustainable way.
Supporting Sustainable Development Goals : SDGs
The Company is aware of its responsibility to drive business according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nation. The Company is committed to operating business towards achieving sustainable development, which has 3 important components: economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. Therefore, the Company has established sustainable development goals that are consistent with business strategies, respond to organizational goals and expectations of stakeholders. At present, the Company supports a total of 11 sustainable development goals and the details can be summarized as follows:
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
Health and safety of personnel in a suitable work environment and well-being of personnel is something that the Company gives importance to. Therefore, the Company has established management guidelines to promote work safety and well-being of employees including all groups of people involved whether it be contractors, business partners, and nearby communities to be safe, able to work efficiently and have zero work accidents. (3.6) In addition, the Company also focuses on developing products and services to care for the health of modern people by using natural products that meet quality standards and are safe. (3.8)
Ensure equitable and inclusive education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
The Company realizes the importance of education; therefore, supports employees and their families to have equal access to education through annual scholarship support (4.1, 4.2) (4.3) and creates educational networks to cover various educational institutions to jointly develop vocational skills for students by providing opportunities for internships to encourage real work experience in order for them to develop, improve and apply to work in the future in a sustainable way. This increases the number of youth and adults with necessary skills, including technical and vocational skills available for employment and good job. (4.4)
Promote gender equality and Create equality between genders
The Company works to achieve equality between genders, create equality in gender roles, and employ without discrimination (5.1) by requiring that every business activity must be free from actions that cause unfair discrimination and promoting respect for human dignity. Including providing employees the right to develop their own potential and have equal access to various knowledge. (5.5)
Ensure sustainable water management and availability for all
The Company is always aware that water is an important natural resource; therefore, gives importance to the management of internal water resources by providing a complete water management process in the production process, supporting improvement of water quality, reducing pollution, increasing safe and sustainable recycling and reuse (6.3), so that organization can use water resources efficiently and for maximum benefit along with the conservation and restoration of water sustainably. (6.4)
Ensure access to modern, sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy for all
The Company operates businesses related to clean energy; therefore, is committed to investing in business development according to the Company's vision to drive clean energy to be accessible to everyone efficiently and universally (7.1) and also regularly procuring new technologies to be applied in the production process (7.3), in order to increase the proportion of renewable energy use. (7.2)
Promote continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and promote decent employment
The Company also places importance on economic growth in line with stakeholder expectations; therefore, is committed to being an employer that respects human rights and responsible to stakeholders. Whether it is supporting the employment of employees or people with disabilities in the area surrounding the business, in order to create careers for the community, selecting contractors that comply with the law, not using child labor and promoting a safe working environment equally. (8.5, 8.7, 8.8)
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
The Company operates businesses related to clean energy and technology including various energy innovations; therefore, aims to invest and support the development and improvement of environmentally friendly technology to enhance sustainability in various types of industry and supports the development of infrastructure that relies on clean energy. As well as, supporting educational institutions to develop sustainable innovations. (9.4, 9.5)
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
The Company conducts business related to clean energy, both solar energy and wind energy. This business model is operating under sustainable consumption and using available resources for maximum efficiency. (12.2)
Take urgent action to combat climate change
The Company recognizes the importance of global warming that causes rapid climate change. Therefore, it is committed to preparing a report on the organization's greenhouse gas emissions (Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report), which compiles the organization's direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. The results will be applied and planned to manage the reduction of the organization's greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with Thailand's announcement of goals at the COP26. (13.2, 13.3)
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, and sustainably manage forests
The Company promotes sustainable forest management practices by not deforesting, promoting the restoration of degraded forests, increasing reforestation and forest restoration. (15.2)
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development
The Company recognizes the importance of promoting a peaceful society and sustainable development. The Company’s operation will be based on transparency, accountability and participation as a member of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC). Moreover, the Company also encourage partners to join the network to conduct business together in a transparent manner. (16.5, 16.6, 16.7).
We care business
Develop a fully integrated business that responds to stakeholders in a worthwhile manner
1Follow good corporate governance practices and business ethics
2Manage risks to reduce the impact and expand the business, and committed to seeking opportunities to add business value for stable and sustainable returns for all groups of stakeholders.
3Committed to developing products and services to meet the needs of customers and develop the quality of life of people in society sustainably with modern technology and innovation.
4Develop, improve, and procure complete electrical system products.
5Build on capital strength by expanding the energy business both domestically and abroad even more.
6Procure and develop modern energy technology and innovation, response to the use of renewable energy thoroughly and efficiently
7Expand business lines and increasing investment in future energy businesses.
8Expand construction business, both electrical systems and related equipment, including above-ground and underground transmission lines, and accepting more submarine cables work to generate income for sustainable growth.
We care people
Develop personnel to be good at work, good at oneself, good at people, and good at managing teams
1Create a strong “GROWTH” culture to support strategies for achieving organizational goals.
2Strengthen the skills of supervisors to have main role in pushing and reinforcing appropriate behavior for subordinates, "good at work, good at oneself, good at people, and good at managing teams"
3Develop the collective behavior of personnel to adjust to a new organizational culture of teamwork and lead the organization to excellence.
4Improve the human resource management system to facilitate the creation of good behavior for personnel.
5Encourage personnel to advance in vocational line
6Change the way of working in unusual conditions or situations to ensure that the organization's personnel can perform their duties safely and with full efficiency.
7Create an environment, occupational health and safety at work.
8Treat workers with equality, fairness and respect for human rights.
We care social
Create opportunities for society and environment that are friendly to the community in a sustainable way
1Support the energy transition towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions with technology and clean energy innovation
2Create a balance between business growth along with the creation of alternative energy innovations that are environmentally friendly.
3Support access to electricity and renewable energy, which are one of the basic rights that everyone should have equal access to.
4Develop renewable energy power plants to be a source of learning for the community and society.
5Create employee participation with community networks in supporting community activities to create a strong society and live together in balance.
6Promote career creation in communities surrounding the Company's renewable energy power plants.
7Manage environment sustainably, use resources in production efficiently according to the circular economy guidelines, and strive to reduce the amount of landfill waste to zero.