Revenue Proportion
Total Revenue
7,737.12 Million Baht
NET Profit (Loss)
1,474.89 Million Baht
Total Assets
32,850.34 Million Baht
Financial Position
Unit: Million Baht December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2023
Total Assets 46,032.16 42,485.36 32,331.46 32,850.34
Total Liabilities 33,556.84 29,202.14 18,191.72 18,859.88
Total Equity 12,475.31 13,283.22 14,139.74 13,990.45
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Unit: Million Baht 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total revenue 10,947.46 9,768.42 9,515.10 7,737.12
EBITDA 5,809.93 4,951.87 5,492.33 3,352.16
Profit (Loss) for the year 3,425.29 2,251.52 3,014.38 1,474.89
Profit (Loss) from normal operation 1) 1,110.95 1,904.91 1,158.31 1,576.19
Profit (Loss) of the parent company 3,412.34 2,229.27 3,010.52 1,474.47

Note :

1) Exclude extra profit

Revenue Proportion
Unit: Million Baht 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue from sale 1,495.88 1,474.97 1,829.22 1,827.65
Revenue from sale of electricity 4,093.36 4,760.50 3,448.85 2,306.76
Revenue from rendering of services and construction services 2,146.63 2,112.60 1,776.25 2,483.26
Revenue from sale of assets under finance lease 913.48 970.09 451.37 987.57
Revenue from extra profit 1) 2,223.65 477.11 1,948.75 -
Other income 74.46 72.86 60.66 131.88
Total revenue 10,947.46 9,868.13 9,515.10 7,737.12

Note : 1) Extra profit means gain on change in fair value of derivatives, gain on sale of investment in subsidiaries, gain on change in ownership interest in subsidiaries to joint ventures.

Financial Ratios
Unit 2020 1) 2021 1) 2022 1) 2023 1)
Liquidity Ratio Times 0.91 0.84 1.50 1.07
Gross Profit Margin % 35.16 40.19 37.03 32.15
Operating Profit Margin % 25.40 34.55 43.93 30.25
Net Profit Margin % 13.60 22.82 31.68 19.06
Net Profit Margin from normal operation % 24.11 29.75 23.35 16.97
Return on Equity % 9.53 16.95 21.32 10.54
Return on Assets % 2.58 5.30 9.32 4.49
Debt to Equity Ratio Times 2.69 2.20 1.29 1.35

Note :

* Deduct extra profit means gain on change in fair value of derivatives, gain on sale of investment in subsidiaries, gain on change in ownership interest in subsidiaries to joint ventures.

** Deduct the portion of long-term loans due within 1 year and the portion of debentures due within 1 year.