For a Livable Society
The Company realizes that the long-term achievement of the Company and the well-being of the society must grow together. Therefore, the Company creates shared value within the co-working process with internal and external communities of the organization, as well as the community network of all sectors to promote business strength and confidence together with responding to social needs and creating a strong and livable society, as well as placing importance on all group of stakeholders fairly and ethically without discrimination according to human rights policy.
Human Rights Approach
Amidst new social situations and challenges, the Company’s business operations may inadvertently be connected to human rights issues, whether directly or indirectly. Therefore, conducting business with mere respect for human rights alone may not be sufficient. It is essential to protect against human rights violations fairly. This entails integrating principles and practices regarding human rights into the business processes. The Company has developed a human rights policy to support the board of directors, management, and employees; as well as, stakeholders, ensuring their awareness and adherence to legal and international human rights principles rigorously. This is to ensure that the Company’s operations are free from human rights violations, based on an understanding of the value and equality of all individuals. The policy establishes fundamental responsibilities that the Company must adhere to regarding stakeholders.
Key Performance in 2023
of labor issues and human rights complaints (Target: None Case of labor issues and human rights complaints)

Received The 2023 Role Model Organization Award in Human Rights. Outstanding level from the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection, Ministry of Justice.
Human Resource Management
The company cares and retains employees under the “RISE” for HR Transformation project. In order to improve personnel management strategies and develop personnel in the organization to be ready to change quickly according to the goals as follows.
- Resource : Creating resources to ensure that employees work happily, inclusively, and equitably (Recruit Right, Reward & Recognize & Retain Right)
- Intelligence : Promoting the establishment of a learning organization to facilitate continuous growth and innovation (Reskill and Upskill, Leadership, Innovation Organization)
- Smart System : Utilizing systems and technology to support globally efficient operations (Technology System & Data Analytic)
- Engagement : Cultivating a strong organizational culture for sustainable development (Employee Engagement, Culture & Communication & Relationship Management)
Key Performance in 2023
All Employee
Average Training Hours
The Average Score of Employee Satisfaction with the Organization
Turnover Rate (Including temporary staff)
Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Management
The Company aims to become an organization free from accidents, thus placing importance on ensuring that all employees and stakeholders involved in operations have a safe working environment that complies strictly with relevant laws, regulations, requirements, and international standards. This is to ensure safety for employees, partners, contractors, subcontractors; as well as, the surrounding communities, all of whom are stakeholders with vested interests in the business activities. The Company establishes and registers a Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental Committee, along with safety officers responsible for defining guidelines to prevent and reduce workplace accidents, promoting safety activities, and supervising employees to comply with company safety measures.
Key Performance in 2023
The rate of accidents resulting in work stoppage exceeding 3 days for employees and contractors (LTIFR)
The incidence rate of severe injuries and fatalities from work-related incidents for employees and contractors is
The incidence rate of work-related illnesses and diseases is
Customer Relationship Management
The Company firmly believes that “energy is a fundamental right of every individual deserving access.” Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive One Stop Service energy business, starting from the production of high-voltage electrical equipment, engineering and construction, renewable energy power plants, and maintenance services, including innovations and digital energy services. With a commitment to making renewable energy, particularly environmentally friendly energy, easily accessible and efficiently meeting the electricity needs of both industrial and household sectors. Renewable energy is a key factor in driving the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, leading to the creation of a low-carbon society capable of sustainably reducing environmental impact. The Company focuses on enhancing product quality, improving production efficiency, and responsibly distributing and providing services. We place importance on managing relationships with current customers and building new customer bases. We collaborate with customers as renewable energy partners, delivering and addressing the needs of all customer groups. The Company’s aim is not only to create satisfaction but also to contribute to improving the quality of life for users.
Key Performance in 2023
Percentage of customer satisfaction with products and services
Community and Social Responsibility
The Company is committed to promoting coexistence with the community by creating friendships and helping each other as “Good neighbors” to develop and strengthen the community, encourage people in the community to have a good quality of life, build community engagement to explore needs and expectations, and strength mutual understandings. The Company developed the business to create clean energy that is accessible to everyone in society and gives back to society along with taking care of the environment by having operational guidelines there are 3 ways to promote and develop society, as follows:
Create a learning society: Sharing knowledge and experiences in renewable energy business development and promote learning resources for renewable energy power plants to expand knowledge to be used for further study in daily life.
Promote a good quality of life: Supporting various projects, whether in terms of promoting well-being, education, and quality of life and well-being.
Support activities and build community engagement: Co-existence with the community by creating friendship and helping each other as good neighbors.
Business innovation for social creation
From world megatrends into new dimension of full clean energy management and sustainable business growth, In addition to business development to support modern, sustainable, stable and affordable energy for consumers according to Goal 7 of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Another important goal for business development to create sustainability for society that the company gives importance to is Goal 9, which are infrastructure development to be ready for change, promote adaptation to be a sustainable and inclusive industry, support innovation, create smart energy, develop technology coupled with the use of energy consciously, bring clean energy to household sector, reduce inequality and limitation in various dimensions for all to have full access to sustainable energy in their daily life.